
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

dinner tyme !

okayy. on 18th December 2010, i went to a dinner with my dad. actually, i didn't want to go, but my dad dah beli tiket utk saya. so, terpaksa la pergi. my dad cakap 'kalau adik takde, ayah la kena amik utk adik anugerah tu. tapi, adik ada. so, adik kena la pergi sekali. ayah dah belikan tiket utk adik ni'. and i was just 'ohhh man ! i hate to go to the dinner like this'. *kalau pergi dinner dengan family takpe jugak lol T___T

so, this is me. wearing the chocolate kebaya. cannot leave my 'gunting' pose. ahha XD 

and this is my dad with the lucky draw present ;)

the dessert. look yummy rite? but, i tell you la. indah rupa dari rasa lol. *peribahasa baru kutt. haha XD

and as i expected, the dinner become boring, more boring and much more boring. it just like my brain can't think about another word except the word BORING. arghhhhh ! i'm dying because of the boringness. hesh =_____='

since i was boring, so, i make something that can just send away my boringness. *ayat tahapehape. haha

 first thing that i do is taking the picture of my nametag kesayangan. haha. XD

 the second thing that i do is taking the picture of my u-kiss and shinee keychain. eventhought my father's friend looking at me.*pandang pelik. tapi, peduli apa aku. boring gila nih. hesh T____T

the last thing that i do is doodling. actually, i get this idea from nicole *mesti kau bangga en nic? haha. while i'm doodling on the tissue, suddenly ade sorang uncle nih datang and sit beside me. i think my dad's boss kutt. entah lah. not sure lol. tiba" dia cakap 'nih mesti dah boring gila ni'. and i was like 'wahhh. pandai pak cik nih. tau je aku tgh boring'. haha. so, this is my masterpiece LOL. ahha XD

after a while, that dinner pun smpai at the end. y'know what? my dad and his friend yg tumpang kereta my dad cakap nak pergi makan lagi. i take a look at my watch. ohmygod ! it's almost 12am and they're going to makan lagi? haish. tapi, saya follow je la en. well, my dad and i sampai rumah nak dekat 2am lol. ngantuk gila kutt. after that, i change my cloth from baju kebaya to tracksuit and t-shirt and zzzzz. haha :)

p/s : Bling" Xin *bak kata yana. haha.
thanx for helping me send away my boringness.
thanx a lot ;)


Unknown said...

haha <33
kalau aku jadi kaku pon aku borin but act i kinda like jugaklah pergi dinner mcm neh.
rasa mcm already growing up ^^
hehe . btw, knape kau kene pergi act? amek adiah ke ?
blurr siket lah . haha
btw, hehe , nice masterpiece:) heheh and nice keychains and korean stuff here :)
anyway series nmpak sedap desert tuh and ta boleh blah new proverb tuh XD

Raimi H (: said...

haha. act, aku suka pergi dinner macam tuh kalau 1 family aku yg pergi. tapi yg ni, aku pergi dengan ayah aku je lol. so, macam boring sikit la~

Raimi H (: said...

ohh. aku kena pergi sebab nak amik hadiah pmr hari tu la. tiap" tahun jkr buat camtu. sepatutnya ayah aku yg amikkan. tapi, ade sorg kawan dye ni tak pergi. so, ayh aku beli la tiket kawan ayh aku tuh and suruh aku ikut sekali. dah clear kn?

Raimi H (: said...

haha. try la rasa. kau pun akan cakap mende alah tu 'indah rupa dari rasa' lol. XD
nampak je sedap, tapi takde la sedap mana pun. manis gila lol. rasa macam makan gula je.
aku dah la kurang berminat dengan mende manis ni. kalau gula" or air tuh lain lah~

Nicole Kim J (: said...

heyhey, and i ingat you kate nk blnje sbb you dpt 80 rnggt! haha

Raimi H (: said...

haha. claim kat sekolah lah nic~
aku blanje kau nasi lemak kat kantin tuh. okayy?