
Sunday, December 12, 2010

my dearie nicole and liyana (:

okeyy. as the manager of BEAST, i have to take care of my anak buah. rite? rite?

okey hyunseung. you've to choose one out of two.
fatin liyana or nicole law wei xin?
which one do you wanna declare as your girlfriend huh?


Raimi H (: said...

okey. okey. nak rasmi cmmnt nih. hehe XD

kalau korang rase dye tunjuk kat korang, maknenya korang la dye pilih ;)

Unknown said...

HAHAA. dowh aku KOMFEM dy tunjok akuh !

Raimi H (: said...

aku rase, dye tunjuk kat AKU jugak !
bwahahahaha XD

Raimi H (: said...

don't you think he look more, more, and more handsome in that pic? aku rasa dye hensem gila dowh XD

Nicole Kim J (: said...

hoyy yana! i think he's pointing at me lahh!

Nicole Kim J (: said...

ouh my prince jang ! iloooooooooooooveyouuuu !

Raimi H (: said...

haha. berebutlah korang. jangan sampai masuk hospital sudah~

kalau masuk hospital sebab cedera tak pe lagi. kalau masuk hospital sebab masalah jiwa, memang korang dah parah la en. bwahahaha XP

Nicole Kim J (: said...

kau lah, post bnde kontoversi ni. hahaha ;)

Raimi H (: said...

kontroversi sangat ke? kalau ye, nanti aku delete ah. tak payah korang susah2 gaduh pasal prince jang nih. ;)