
Friday, December 17, 2010

wonderful outing (:

okeyy. yesterday, i went to Times Square with nicole, nina + lala*nina's sis for an outing. y'know what? i woke up at 6am early in the morning *awal gila. hesh. my mom suruh saya follow ayah saya pergi his office. my mom cakap "adik nak pergi sana naik bas sorg? heh. ibu tak bagi. esok pagi bangun awal, ikut ayah pergi ofis. nanti ayah hantar pergi TS tu". and, i follow my dad pergi ofis dia. after i follow my dad pergi his site and having my breakfast, i text to nic "wehh. kau kat mana?". a few minutes later, she answered "aku kat stesen lrt chan sow lin ah. tengah tunggu nina". dalam hati saya, ohmygod. kau tak tau ke stesen tu dekat gila dengan tmpat keje bapak aku? hesh. then, i told my dad. tyme tu tengah ontheway nak hantar saya pergi TS. my dad patah balik pergi stesen lrt depan ofis dye tuh sebab nak amik nic ngan nina and lala (:

dan ini gambar kami ;)

first of all, kami pergi beli tiket wayang. we're watching NARNIA. wuhuuu. then, berpandukan lala, we're going to the shop that full with korean's stuff. *thanx to lala (: me and nicole standing there for TWO hours *i don't how much tyme we spend standing in that shop actually. but nicole said we're standing for two hours. so, two hours la kutt. ;P she only buy FOUR things *jonghyun's and SHINee's nametag, keychain that full with jonghyun's pictures and keychain with taemin's name wrote in korean while i'm buying SEVEN things. six for me and one for my sis *saya baik kan? kan? haha ;D

so, this is the things that i buy :

there is key's, yo seob's, and doo joon's nametag *nametag yo seob ada dua ;) keychain SHINee and U-Kiss and also tali Beast XD and all of this stuff cost me almost 66 ringgit. hesh. =_____='
haha. saya sangkut semua dekat phone saya XD

after watching the NARNIA, we're going to the food court. hahah. makan tyme. lapar gila. i can hear my stomach berbunyi masa tengok narnia tuh. nasib baik orang lain tak dengar. bwahaha ^^

showing off our jonghyun's and key's nametag XD

then, pukul 5 lebih kutt, my father text me. he said that he'll wait for me kat tmpat biasa *sebab saya selalu pergi TS dan ayah saya selalu datang ambil saya ;) after we're snapping some picture kami pun balik rumah. okayy, that was awesome you guys. thanx for yesterday (:
nicole, if i have enough money, i'll buy you that ring okayy XD
p/s : i felt sorry for yana. but, i have something for you. don't worry. *and it's free. haha :)


Unknown said...

LOL. banyak gila kot kau beli !
super jeleous !
btw , u got smthing for me ? ahahha
[and the words - and its free- make me laugh !] hehe .
btw, i felt sorry for me too :'( hooo~ btw thx capub name ! so many korean stuff there hooh . ape name kedai tuh ?

Raimi H (: said...

haha. lain kali jgn sakit perut lagi la~
asal kau gelak dengan ayat 'and its free' tuh? pelik aku. hesh =____='
name kedai tuh My Star Collection Trading.

Unknown said...

aku pon ta sure kenapa aku rasa lawak . hehe .

Raimi H (: said...

hueh. tahapehape la dia nih. hesh =____='

Nicole Kim J (: said...

awww,that's so sweet rai ;D

but enjoy lah keluar ngn korg.
laen kali kite buat lg nk^^

Raimi H (: said...

haha. aku memang sweet. XD

okayy. kau cakap je bila. anytime ah. ;)