
Saturday, April 16, 2011

special post for lee yana (:

heyy tiyya. this pictures of lee ki seop is special for you lahh.
take a look okayy :)))

 kyaaah ! piro" lol (:

 piro" again~ so cute lahh

 the young ki seop (:

 okayy. i think, that backpack sgt style lahh~

 kiseop-ah~ i want thut iphone too >.<
p/s : if you already tgk this pics,
tgk je lah lagi sekali okayy.
haha :)))


Unknown said...

wah wah wah (: gila hensem kiseop akuh duhhh :D haha
thx taw for this post (:
huuu :') i'm touched .

Raimi H (: said...

haha. aku buat post nih sje je nk tnjuk kat kau yg kiseop kau tuh hensem habess ouh.

tetibe rase cm nk suke kiseop jugak lahh <33
haha (: