saye baru je habis tgk alice academy
and as usual
saye akn google more about anime yg saye dh habis tgk
and saye akan baca manga pulakk
*online manga la. nk beli manga betul tak mampu kutt :'( *
and i'm drooling when i read them (:
awww <3
sweet gila !
i want to be like mikan >.<
and find my own natsume hyuuga ! <3
i love the way natsume try to do his best to protect mikan
he has fire alice *alice tu mcm kuasa yg dorg ade la~*
and everytime he use his alice
it will shorten his life-span
but he doesn't care about it
for him, protecting mikan is much more important la than his life~
duhhh. sweetttttt~ >.<
btw, i felt sorry for ruka nogi *natsume's bestfriend*
both of them *natsume and ruka* felt in love with mikan
but ruka is such a nice fellow
he give up his love so that his bestfriend can be happy :')
yeah. go ruka !
p/s : bagi suggestion sikit anime ape lagi yg best
nak tengok. ehehe :p
baru nak bace gakuen alice...
aku borak ngan haziq hasbuddin psal gakuen alice kat skola!!!
ahaha. dulu aku tgk kat animax tapi tak habess. sbb tu la aku bli dvd. tapi aku tak puas hati gak sbb dye tak bagi tau pun mikan tu suka natsume or ruka. then aku bace la manga. baru la tau dye suka siapa~
hueh. nk boyfie cm natsume gak ouhh >.<
aku bace on9 je...
sebab anime dye ade season 1 je
tu la pasal. kalau tgk anime best sikit sb dorg bercakap -.-"
baca 0n9 pun okay jgak...
mmg dah ketgglan la..
haha. tau takpe. tgk anime baru smpai chapter berape. bace manga dh smpai beratus ratus chapter dah -.-" jenuh nk bace semua
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