
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

almighty key ;)

20 facts about KEY :

1. Will go to the CD shop and ask, “Where are the SHINee CDs? Are they selling well?” Cares about his welfare in outlook in life. *he really care about his group LOL

2. “Right from when we are trainees till now, the one who sings really well, dances superbly, gets angry only when it is an occasion to be angry about, makes people feel that “this guy is really amazing!”, that person is Key.” (JONGHYUN) *wahhaa ! thanx jonghyun. (kau mesti bangge sebab aku ckp thanks kat jonghyun, en nic? haha)

3. Has a love-hate relationship with horror movies and horror stories, he yearns for them but he is also scared of them, he likes them but he also dislikes them. He lost his composure/image in the cinema many times because of that, he is only able to rent horror movies/dramas to watch at home to continue scaring himself. *just like me lol. nak tgk tapi takut. its okayy. you can watch that movie with me. nanti dua" menjerit. haha :)

4. “I don’t want a fantasy romance like those in the movies, I look towards a realistic and truthful relationship.” Honest, straighforward and open minded girls are OK, but girls who are soft on the outside but really fierce on the insides are a NO. Must have an opinion, not be too girly, and must like to freely express what she likes. *i'm an open minded girl and not too girly too XD

5. In terms of dressing up as girls, Taemin is the most suitable, but the prettiest is still the one who is looking into the mirror (ie. Key), if he really wants to do it, even a true woman will not be able to match up to him. (Proudly) *i think, he'll look prettier than me if he dress up as a girl lol. haha ;)

6. Is confident that he can be a gourmet chef, nobody can escape his dumplings trap. *my hubby, you can be evil sometimes. haha

7. “To be an idol, it’s not enough to just put in effort in the front appearance, your back appearance is important too.” *i agree with that :)

8. Good at saying honeyed words, but hearing lines like “Are you hurt? I am hurting too.” makes him burst out in laughter.

9. “If I were to become Yunhanam’s director, the viewing rates ought to be able to rise.” (smug) *soo proud of himself lol. haha XD

10. His personal talent is imitating a robotic character from a cartoon show, the classic line being “Woah! Money! With money anything can be done!!” *are you crazy about money ey, key?

11. Good at preparing, good at analyzing, belongs to the kind who is able to work out a plan from scratch with just a single detail. *hmmm. good. haha ;)

12. “You cannot avoid me, you must look at me in the eyes.” *i'll look into your eyes. and you heart too. ahha XD

13. It’s his nature to take care of people? At first he was just Taemin’s umma, after that his nagging extends to include all of the members, and now it is becoming that he nags at whoever he sees. *if you nagging at me, i'll nangging at you back. haha :)

14. Still nagging. Because he has been too naggy, Taemin really wants to change his umma now… *haha. pity taemin. yana, take your taemin before my hubby nangging at him again =___='

15. Become a girl? Then he would date all the other members once and see how it is. Does not know how it
is like when they are in front of a girl, he is really curious about it. *i can be your first date if you want to. ahaks XD

16. “The person who is able to meet an ET who has come to earth and not feel scared but instead in able to converse naturally with it is Key…Even if he is left on an abadoned island, he will still be able to find a way to survive.” (JONGHYUN) *thanx again jonghyun. i take it as a compliment for key. haha ;) he can really take care of himself. haha. i like it.

17. As long as he is being sincerely asked to do something, he will do it no matter how unwilling he is, even if he does not like to do it. *ouhh. how sweet of you, my lovely hubby :) then, i'll ask you to do everything for me. can you? heee XD

18. Sentimental and sensitive, even if it just a piece of paper from someone who he cares about, he will take really good care of it. *ouhh. soo sweet. i'll take really good care of you too ;)

19. The group’s No.1 in fashion. Red, white, blue, it is normal for him to carry off these colours which are easy to carry off, but for colours like pink and grass green which are more difficult to pull off, he is still able to do it. *yeah ! i think he can suits all colour yg wujud kat muka bumi ni XD

20. “I hope that this album can receive a lot of love from everyone, and, if only our friends all know SHINee’s songs, they only know ‘Noona is so pretty’ *you've already receive a lot of love from me la key oppa~


Anonymous said...

hhahahaha...siyesly la trgelak!!!
aq ske yg ko tlis kat no 3 comeyl la plak!!"you can watch that movie with me...nnti kite jrit sme2 .. hahahh.. cweet la??!!!:)....

Raimi H (: said...

bwahahaha. aku pun rasa kelakar bila baca kau punya cmmnt nih :D

comel gila en. aku bayangkan aku ngan dye jerit sama" tyme tgk cite hantu. lawak gila kutt. mestilah suweet. dye kan hubby aku. heeee XD

btw, kau baca semua ke? haha. thanx ;)

Unknown said...

hey hey ! ahha i take my taemin from your key oke. taemin dun worry, i dont like nagging too much :)
btw, reading all these facts proves thut key is really almighty huh

Raimi H (: said...

haha. key memang almighty lol. even jonghyun pun mcm bnyk gila bagi compliment kat key en. XD